The “average person, or average congressman” doesn’t know much about photonics, according to a coalition of industry and academic groups pushing a National Photonics Initiative. Part of the problem could easily be the name, said Thomas Koch, dean of the University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences, who hosted a push for greater recognition at...Continue Reading
Albany Underwrites Economic Development Expansion of Nanotech Efforts West of Albany Gannett, Sunday, August 18, 2013: The ambition of Cuomo and Kaloyeros comes at a time when upstate New York continues to try to find its footing after decades of manufacturing decline. In June, 43,453 fewer people were employed in New York than in June...Continue Reading
The National Photonics Initiative: What Is Rochester’s Role? Co-hosted with Congresswoman Louise Slaughter Representative, 25th District, New York RRPC Annual Meeting Thursday September 5, 2013 Rochester Museum & Science Center 3:30 – 6:30 PM (3:00 PM registration) $45 per person click here to register Following the release last year of Optics & Photonics: Essential Technologies...Continue Reading
You asked us how to submit a project for consideration by AIM Photonics. Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018 Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport [...]
Join us with our host, Pennwell Publishing, to learn more about the Optical Engineering Design Conference her in Rochester this October. What is the Optical [...]
CLEO: Innovative Science, Expansive Networking CLEO offers six days of technical sessions, Special Symposia, tutorials, business programming, exhibits and special events — highlighting the latest research, [...]
The International Day of Light is a global initiative that provides an annual focal point for the continued appreciation of light and the role it [...]
New York Photonics is a not-for-profit organization founded to promote and enhance the New York State optics, photonics and imaging industry by fostering the cooperation of business, academia and government.