This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project is aimed at developing a high speed fiber-optic eye measurement system (FEMS) for axial dimensions of a human eye. The project extends the field of long-range time-domain low-coherence interferometry (TD-LCI) to higher speeds and higher sensitivities. This project uses improved optical fiber stretching technology to achieve fast...Continue Reading
Please join us at OASIS 7 (Optical Engineering and Science in Israel) of ILEOS (The Israel Lasers and Electro Optics Society). The meeting will be [...]
FAME's 2019 Annual Event Will Focus on Apprenticeships! Regional Apprenticeships – A School to Career Connection Featuring Mr. Brent Parton, Deputy Director of the Center [...]
OSA ROCHESTER 2019 ANNUAL DINNER Invited talk to follow business meeting and dinner. Members and guests register at the event link. Invited Talk: Astrophysics and Recent [...]
New York Photonics is a not-for-profit organization founded to promote and enhance the New York State optics, photonics and imaging industry by fostering the cooperation of business, academia and government.