Two years ago, former Vice President Joe Biden came to Rochester to announce the start of AIM Photonics.
WHEC TV in Rochester wanted to know: what has happened since?
There are two different things here. The thing the Vice President talked about was AIM Photonics. That is the federally-funded research and development group that is trying to invent photonic circuit boards so that photons power everything in the world.
I couldn’t find their office here.
On the other hand I found people in the private sector and their job is photonics.
Just Google AIM Photonics. The website shows the old Kodak R&D building on Lake Avenue. So today that’s where I went. I asked reception if I could get to the AIM Photonics office. The building receptionist told me they’re not here yet.
“They’re not here yet,” I responded. “Okay.”
But then I met Filipp Ignatovich.