Pavia, president and CEO of Sydor Technologies, won in the category of leaders with fewer than 50 employees.
“Rochester is recognized globally for optics, photonics and imaging, world-class scientists, engineers and technicians along with the precision fab shops we have in town here (which) are really unparalleled,” Pavia said. “We’ve been very successful with technology transfer, commercialization and innovation—all more things that will help lead our community into the future. What we really are proud of is to take these locally developed products and sell them to 33 countries around the world and bring money into Rochester to help further our growth.”
“All the ingredients are really here for Rochester for the future and in the optics and the photonics industry the future really looks bright as our economy continues to grow,” he added.
Those honored have demonstrated significant contributions to their companies in the areas of growth, leadership, achievement and community service, the Small Business Council said.
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