20 Recipients of Prestigious OSA Awards for 2014 The winners include: Paul B. Corkum, Frederic Ives Medal/Jarus Quinn Prize; Shin-Tson Wu, Esther Hoffman Beller Medal; Costas Soukoulis, Max Born Award; Anthony J. Campillo, Stephen D. Fantone Distinguished Service Award; Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Michael S. Feld Biophotonics Award; Juan Carlos Minaño, Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize;...Continue Reading
19th Annual WNY Optics Golf Tournament Thursday, July 18th, 2019 Shadow Lake, Greystone & Eagle Vale Golf Courses This year, the primary course for the [...]
New York Photonics is a not-for-profit organization founded to promote and enhance the New York State optics, photonics and imaging industry by fostering the cooperation of business, academia and government.