115 scientists and researchers gathered at the Hyatt Regency in Rochester, New York for 3 days, July 31 – August 2 to share the latest research in optical components for government-funded applications.
Each year Tech Days summarizes the USA Government’s investment strategies and activities in developing technology for any application (such as telescopes, imaging systems, seeker/trackers, high-energy laser systems, solar energy, etc.) that requires optical components.
The conference covered technology investment efforts in optical materials, substrate design & manufacturing, optical fabrication and metrology technology, optical coatings, wavefront sensing and control via adaptive optics, nano-technology imaging technologies and others.

Government representatives reviewed the technical accomplishments of last year and plans for the future of mirror technology development being funded via the Government. This included SBIRs, DIIs, NASA ROSES, direct contracts, etc., and presenters offered success stories of funded mirror technology development efforts that have either been integrated into a Government program or reached the commercial marketplace. Their were both open and ITAR sessions.
On Tuesday night during the conference Rochester hosted a reception for exhibitors and participants sponsored by OptiPro, OptiMax, GRE and the city of Rochester. Exelis, Corning Fairport, OptiPro and other local companies offer tours throughout the duration of the conference.