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Ocean Insight (formerly FluxData)

Company Overview

Ocean Insight makes customized optical measurement solutions for a wide range of industries such as biopharma, consumer electronics, food & agriculture, and academia. We use spectral technology, application expertise, and manufacturing scalability to help customers take on important challenges for a safer, cleaner, healthier future. We are the original inventor of the miniature spectrometer, and since then, have developed a comprehensive portfolio of spectral technologies. We are part of Halma plc, a $1.7B holdings company that has several complimentary technology companies in the medical, environmental, and safety sectors. Our Applied Systems business division, located in Rochester, specializes in the custom development of spectroscopy systems, with Ocean spectrometers at the heart of each solution. We work closely with our customers to design and develop robust, in-line systems that solve critical industry problems. Our systems use a variety of spectral technologies such as Raman, LIBS, and UV/VIS/NIR spectroscopy. We also offer multispectral imaging solutions.
